Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Can it be valid to say that not all hackers are bad?

It is apparent that hackers have preluded society for a very long time with the advancement of technology and the acquired knowledge of successfully decoding an encryption to get to some sort of information. People are constantly having their card numbers taken from others or social security numbers stolen in order to gain something out of it. With this being said, they are definitely not people who would be considered the idea "good" person.

Within the past year, the once repressed fear of terrorists and the destruction they can cause has once again arrived since the unthinkable moment of 9.11. Paris was bombed by ISIS, which erupted that fear, especially for American citizens, once again. Because of this, hacktivists, who call themselves Anonymous, leaked videos threatening ISIS and strongly stating that they will get revenge. When I first saw a video of them, I though they were some sort of secretive army force that would get the vengeance almost all anti-terrorists dream of. However, this is not the case. By definition, hacktivism is the use of computers and the internet in order to promote a certain agenda for political, religious, social, etc. reasons. In Anonymous's case, they were hacking into the information (videos, photos, threatening movements, etc) put into the media by ISIS themselves and deleting it from the internet entirely.

Within their videos to make a public broadcast, the hacktivist group wears masks and changes the voice into a monotone pitch so that their identities are not revealed. Their main goal was to take down any information of the sort so that people who are vulnerable do not join ISIS's terrorist movement as well as to inflict fear on the terrorist group of ISIS, who has caused destruction and loss on far too many parts of the world, even their own. It is easy for people who do not relate to any community or group to see something like ISIS as an appealing and easy way to feel like they belong to something. It most definitely sounds messed up, but happens every day. Anonymous has even owned up to being responsible for harassment against Donald Trump!

Here is a youtube video about the impact Anonymous really has: 

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