Monday, March 28, 2016

Vote For Pedro

For the graffiti stencil, I wanted to make some type of ironic joke about Donald Trump. After some thought, I decided it would be a funny example to use "Vote For Pedro" with Napoleon Dynamite from the movie. As some of you may know, the movie, "Napoleon Dynamite", is a comedy about a nerd in school and the events in his life, one of which he meets a Mexican, Pedro, who ends up running for class president. When the decision begins to come up, Napoleon, Pedro, and another girl from the school make posters, buttons, and a bunch of other items to promote Pedro's campaign. After the class president candidates say their speech, they can do an act that can show some sort of talent. One of the girls running does a dance with a couple of other girls. However, when Pedro must do his act, Napoleon puts his tape on and dances to a song that makes the crowd go crazy, which causes Pedro to win the election.
I thought that putting a stencil of Napoleon's face and the words, "Vote For Pedro" would be funny to use as a silly campaign sign. In most of Donald Trump's speeches, he ridicules immigrants and makes them seem as they are stagnating the lives of people of America. He uses them as a scapegoat for many of the problems United States' citizens are enduring to gain his own fame towards becoming president. He promotes the idea that if these immigrants are thrown out of America, it will become a better place. He even wants to castrate children who were born in America when they have the human right to live there. I believe that making a sign with "Vote for Pedro" is a good way to show how ridiculous Donald Trump due to the fact that the movie, "Napoleon Dynamite", is a ridiculous and funny movie.
I created the stencil with Bristol paper, which is somewhat less flimsy than regular printer paper. It was difficult to cut out Napoleon's face but I was able to successfully do it using an Exacto knife. It was also difficult for me to find spray paint so I made due with what I could find and used body and hair glitter spray in a silver color. It actually looked pretty cool with the ending result; however, I used it to close to the paper when I first began at the top left.

P.s. If you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite, you should definitely watch it!!

Source of GIF:

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