Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Black Mirror" - The Modern Twilight Zone

From my previous posts about the eerie black and white series of The Twilight Zone, I want to share a post about a series on netflix that has caught my eye. In every episode, the plot is different but all episodes are surrounded by a common theme of futuristic situations. Although it is completely sci-fi, it really makes you contemplate and wonder about how the future is going to be, good or bad?.. Who knows, but the series does a good job on setting the scene.
The series is called "Black Mirror" and gives you far-fetched stories of the future. What concerns me about what they make you think about is that almost every episode is bombarded by the use of technology and digital screens. I mean, we are already always around tv screens, phone screens, computer screen, etc. so if this is the future.. how bad is it going to be then. An example of one of the episodes is a women wakes up unaware of who she is or what she does with her life. She wakes up in a completely changed environment and has to run for her life from people who are trying to kill her. While she is running from these scary people, the rest of civilization, instead of helping her, just videotapes her on their phones without any signs of concern or remorse for not helping. I won't spoil this episode but you should definitely check it out on netflix. It is the "WhiteBear" episode and is probably one of my favorites. You can find all of the episodes on netflix and I am sure there is another way to watch them for free online. Feel free to check it out!

Link for Netflix (if you have an account):
Source of GIF:

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