Thursday, January 28, 2016

Are Circus Shows Endangered?

Circus shows have been a long-loved source of entertainment. Even dating back to the 1800s, people would crowd around a woman riding an elephant or a muscle man lifting hundreds of pounds. It was something to do, something to be entertained by, something that has been around long before technology progressed to what it is today. Due to this, I think its safe to ask.. Are circus shows going extinct?
As a child, my parents would take me to the Big Apple Circus in New York City with family friends. I loved going to the circus; its so appealing to the eye for a child with its big lights, odd people, clowns, dancing animals, and more. Every year, my dad would tell me its carnival season and I would know exactly where I was gonna be soon in the future. But nowadays, where I am more busy with school and work I don't have time to go to the circus.. and even if I did, with who? It is apparent that circuses are not as cherished as they used to be.
It seems to me that children today are so enveloped in ways of entertainment that are solely through technology. If its a game, its on an iPad. If its an activity, the only activity being made is changing the channel on tv. If its an outside activity, its sitting on one's phone. There is a big connection between technology's role in children's lives today and the gradual decline of interest in circuses. Maybe I am not so familiar with news of circuses today.. but seriously, the time of circuses is coming to an end.

What do you think about it?

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